Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Worldly Words Quiz

Welcome to Mice In The Classroom! This blog offers examples of curriculum for students K-12 who use English as a second language (ESL) and English as a first language (EFL). Lessons are primarily prepared for Intermediate Level learners and are used as part of one-on-one tutoring and small group sessions. The quiz below is only one example of reading exercises and comprehension questions for both ESL/EFL students. If you would like to schedule tutoring sessions or if you have lesson plan ideas to share, please contact me by leaving your email address and a brief message in the "comments" area at the bottom of this posting. Learning is a wonderful experience and with the internet, the process is only a "mice" click away.

Now, let's have some fun with today's exercise:

Worldly Words Quiz

Some countries in the world have funny names. See if you can answer these questions using only the names of the countries listed. Watch out! You’ll need your worldly wisdom!

Example: What you do with luggage before a trip. Pakistan

Iceland - China - Hungary - Japan - Greece - Turkey - Chile
Spain - Greenland - India - Russia - Kenya - South Africa
Germany - Canada

1. A food made of beans and beef that is hot and spicy.
2. The same word as a bird we roast for a holiday meal.
3. Sounds as if it’s frozen solid.
4. A container made out of tin we put vegetables and fruits in.
5. Things we put on a table to eat from.
6. It's the same color as grass.
7. A word just the opposite of “out”.
8. Another way to say ache.
9. Something we put on the stove to cook in.
10. How we might feel right before dinner.
11. To hurry from to place to another.
12. Another word for bacteria found in a sneeze.
13. Is another word for cooking oil.
14. It sounds like a boy’s name.
15. This word tells us which direction to go.

Geography has always been one of my favorite school subjects. How many did you get right? Find the answers in "comments". While you are there, leave a message with your email address if you would like for me to contact you about tutoring services for you or family members. And enjoy the wonders of learning!

Visit my ezine: http://www.concelebratory.blogspot.com/
music blog: http://www.medleymakersant.blogspot.com/
and eclectic blog: http://www.copyat5.blogspot.com/
Copyright 2008 by Maurice Oliver. All Rights Reserved.

1 comment:

Maurice Oliver - Editor said...

Answers To Quiz: Chile-Turkey-Iceland-China-Greenland-India-Spain-Japan-Hungary-Russia-Germany-Greece-Kenya-South Africa